You have to be a registered user to access your account. If you have not registered, click on the Register link on the initial login page.
During the registration process, you will need your
National Merchant Center
account information. If you do not know your account information, please call our customer service department.
You will need to provide us with a valid email address -- a temporary password will be sent to this address.
You will have to create a valid username for your account. Username criteria: 6 to 10 alphanumeric characters, begins with a letter, no spaces. Username is not case sensitive.
To complete your registration, simply follow the instructions in the registration email.
Once you login with your temporary password, you must choose a new account password. The password length is 8 to 25 characters with at least one number without spaces. It is case sensitive.
Once registered, you will only need to use your new chosen username and password to access your account.